#1 Essential Tip for Strong Company Branding
“Every brand makes a promise. But in a marketplace in which consumer confidence is low and budgetary vigilance is high, it’s not just making a promise that separates one brand from another, but having a defining purpose,” explains Allen Adamson, chairman of the North America region of brand consulting and design firm Landor Associates.
It’s about consistency, confidence and coherently delivering on that message.
When it comes to differentiating yourself, whether you’re a b2c or b2b or h2h, it comes down to understanding why you do what you d
o (It’s not about helping others sell or be a great salesman and it’s definitely doesn’t have anything to do with the money you make.)
knowing why you wake up every day and go to work carries more weight than you would think for both the overall success of the business and your employee’s happiness. It’s not linear, it’s not A to B, it’s everything in between.
In other words, your purpose is more specific, in that it serves as a differentiator between you and your competitors, only if you dive in and you don’t tiptoe around it.
For example Idea connection systems, Inc. A local Rochester based global consultancy firm we discovered when working together is all about Guiding Human Understanding. They help organizations with leadership development by teambuilding and understating how to leverage the strengths of others within organizations. They sell tools to help others, but the one thing that remains at their core is this!
That means when developing products or services it all has to come back to this one statement and idea. It cannot stray the minute it does, it’s going to confuse people, break the consistency and lose trust in their customers.
Looking for ways to enhance your experience through infusing your brand essence that reaps the rewards in dollars and it much easier than you think.
Our advice? Dig a little deeper. Self-reflection. Ask your peers, get an outside opinion. Watch Simon’s video on Start with why Ask yourself these three questions: