How Can You Tell If Your Brand Is a Mess?

How Can You Tell If Your Brand Is a Mess?

True Story//

I recently watched a “live” virtual event and they had a company sponsor and speak for roughly 3-5 minutes. Now, you can imagine thier excitement. The company paid for this spotlight and possibly were introduced to a new audience or current customers.

Sadly, the CEO missed a huge opportunity. Let me tell you why. It wasn’t until the last few seconds did he actually tell what he did, why we should care, and the bigger purpose behind the organization.

He mentioned some industry type “lingo” and no one knew what he was even talking about. He fumbled his words and seemed generally lost in thought.

If he had a clear and consistent  message, this would have not happened. Oh, the opportunity that was missed here. It pains me because it could have been a huge opportunity to connect with the audience and make a lasting impression!

There are some telltale signs that our brand can use some work. Ask yourself the following three questions:

  1. “Does our brand have different messages and stories depending on which customer we ask?” A powerful brand evokes a similar story regardless of which customer you ask, and this in turn strengthens word of mouth.
  2. “Does our brand have a singular message or story that is told by any and all members of the team?” If your internal stakeholders cannot agree on a singular, simple message, there’s work to be done. Without this, it will be impossible to achieve point #1 above.
  3. “If someone covers our logo on a brochure or on our website, can they tell from the feel alone that it’s ours?” The blueprint to achieve this is a robust brand strategy.

 If any of these ring true, you are not alone. Building a strong (and simple) brand is a challenge for everyone. The good news is that once you have a strong brand strategy, you’re well on your way to separating yourself from the pack and allowing your company to have a clear way to communicate your certain positioning.