Recap: How to Stay Relevant During Times of Crisis
Recap: Live Discussion Panel on Staying Relevant during times of crisis
Managing your marketing in the “new” norm
For those of you that missed the live discussion today. Here is the recap video!
We discussed:
• Current marketing landscape & how it’s changing
• Sensitivity and Relevancy in brand, marketing & messaging
• How our experts are managing campaigns and specific examples of what is working
• What the “new normal” might look like when the pandemic ends
• Pivots (brand, marketing, PR, SEO/PPC, channels, spend, etc.) & action items
• Live Q&A
Some key takeaways:
• Crisis or not, engaging your customers with authenticity is a must
• Now is the time to refocus on culture and internal stakeholder value
• Focus on engagement and awareness rather than hard sells
• Don’t panic, be strategic about your pricing strategy and pivot
• Stay top of mind for when the crisis passes – focus on content generation and emotional connection
• Be thoughtful and intentional with all forms of communication during this time
• Reassess your marketing and PR plans
• Messaging is crucial to stand out from the noise – focus on the unique value your organization brings
For those that would like to reach out directly via email here is everyone’s contact info:
Jeff Halik
Jeff Shipman
Michelle Roberts
Thank you to those that joined us!
Looking for more relevant content, Check out 3 Marketing Must’s that every business should be doing during the pandemic.